It can be tough to tell when something is just a buzzword or if there is really meaning and action behind the latest business term. Sustainability, Environmental Responsibility, Renewable Targets, etc. These phrases have been commonplace in business for almost a decade, but only recently have we really seen a mainstream push toward concrete action in the name of sustainability.
So what is behind sustainable company culture?
- Top – Down sustainability score cards from major corporations like Amazon, Disney, Uline, etc.
- Nationwide unease about the rising cost of energy amid global and local disruption.
- Top-Down Sustainability
At Arch we have been talking about sustainability goals with our partners in the Wisconsin business community for years. These conversations often weigh the benefits of solar with other options like energy efficiency or recycling projects. After much analysis, companies have historically pushed projects onto their ‘evaluate next year’ list.
Now, more companies than ever are seriously pursuing solar in Wisconsin. We asked our partners what finally tipped them over the edge. A common answer across the board was along the lines of “One of our biggest clients/partners told us they need their partners to be x % renewable powered by x year to continue our partnership.” For companies looking to achieve a sustainability goal while also saving money, solar is the best option.
Rising Energy Costs Globally
The last 12 months have illustrated how fragile the global energy market is and, more importantly, how much events across the world can impact the bottom line here at home. The most recent example of this disruption was the natural gas price hike in SE Wisconsin during the winter.
Solar works well for business owners who are trying to find every way to cut costs or prevent them from ballooning unexpectedly. Even if solar can only cover 25% or 50% of a given businesses energy bill, that portion is still completely protected from future energy cost increases.
Curious how Arch can help you or your business?
Read about our commercial/residential incentives or give us a call @ 414-444-2724